Our Capabilities

CU Financial Services is a national growth and merger consulting firm that can help you evaluate the feasibility of a charter change, including a review of all charter options. Multimedia presentations and interactive financial modeling help educate directors, employees and members about options and the wisdom of a change. Should you decide to proceed with a charter change, the staff of CU Financial can handle the details, allowing management to continue its focus on serving the members.


Conversion Experience

CU Financial has advised credit unions about charter conversions since 1994, and has advised the majority of those making the switch. The firm was (1) advisor to the first state chartered credit union to convert to the bank charter, (2) advisor to the first merger of a credit union into a mutual savings bank, (3) advisor on the first simultaneous conversion / capital raising transaction, and (4) helped lobby Congress for the right to convert to a bank and for the streamlined rules implemented as part of HR-1151. We are currently the most active advisor specializing in this unique area.


Broad Credit Union, Banking, and Securities Experience

Since 1984, CU Financial has advised credit union executives in many areas including asset and liability management, investment diversification, mortgage lending, business lending, and charter options. The firm's senior advisor has an executive background which included positions with a major Wall Street investment firm, as president of a mutual savings bank, as founder and senior executive of a mortgage banking and business lending firm, and as founder and executive of a National Association of Securities Dealer (N.A.S.D.) Member firm.


Cost Effective Services

Cost effective implementation of pilot programs and strategic initiatives is our focus. Intelligence developed by serving financial institutions ranging in size from $8 million to $400 billion, and a hands on approach generates measurable results quickly; in part by the rapid transfer of skills, information, and technology to staff, thus reducing consultant dependence. As conversion coordinator, our experience helps reduce attorney costs, helps reduce incidental conversion costs, helps control public relations issues and costs, and speeds the conversion process.
